Bchs pros lc 6209
Bchs pros lc 6964

Equalities & Additional Intervention

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The school believes that everyone is entitled to equality of opportunity regardless of race, age, physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, creed, culture or social class. For students there should be equality of access to the curriculum, extra- curricular activities, the student support system and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of school life.

High quality education depends upon:

  • Equal opportunities
  • Justice and dignity for all
  • High expectations
  • A wider choice in life
  • An understanding of others

Discriminatory views and behaviour are not acceptable. They damage the spirit of the school. We will challenge behaviour and counsel those involved. We will help students to understand how such views develop and how knowledge and understanding can help break down prejudice

There are 3 sections to this statement: students, staff and community


All students sign the school’s home school agreement, including its commitment to equal opportunities.

Students are able to contribute to the decision-making process via the tutor groups and the student parliament

Rewards and sanctions are applied in a fair and consistent manner.

Year 7 – 11 students are expected to wear school uniform and the sixth form has a smart dress code.

Students benefit from the support of a tutor, who they meet daily.

Students receive 3 progress reports each year.

Students receive mentoring from their tutor and often from peers from other year groups.

Students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Academic and vocational courses are available to suit most students post-16.

Students are entitled to an effective range of teaching and learning styles.

Students are entitled to high expectations from their teachers, in order to help them achieve their full potential.

Students’ progress and achievement is monitored across all minority groups to ensure they are achieving to the level of their peers.

Students have access to the benefits of regular homework which is placed on the SIMS APP

Sports and other activities are made available to the widest range of students possible.

Students are entitled to take part in curriculum visits and extra-curricular activities, regardless of socio-economic background or physical ability.

Students will have access to the school’s resources (for example, the LRC, careers advice and other areas which will help their development).

Staff Recruitment

All staff have access to this policy

The school’s recruitment process aims to ensure fairness and good practice in all activities related to the appointments procedure

The school adopts a positive approach to ensure that the best possible candidate is chosen for a specific position, whilst endeavouring to ensure a suitable balance throughout the staff.

All candidates must be able to demonstrate an understanding and commitment to equal opportunities.

Staff Development

All staff will have access to appropriate staff development, often led by staff.

All new staff and Governors will be provided with a full induction programme which will incorporate information about the school and its commitment to equal opportunities.

The school ensures that all staff are invited to attend all social functions.

All staff are involved in the school’s performance management reviews.

Equal Opportunities issues should feature regularly in the Staff Development programme.


Opportunities are the same for all students regardless of where they live.

The school has an open door policy for all parents/carers

All students as appropriate (e.g. by Year group) benefit from member of the community who are invited in to speak on issues.

All requests for help with the community are considered

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust